30 minutes on eliptical
20 minutes on stairmaster
Didn't shred =(

3.6 mile run
Shred Day 10 & 11!!!

I'm moving up to the level 2 workouts!!!!
Well, I'm back on track in that I'm consistently doing the Shred and I feel great about that.  I just wish my workouts were harder, but I'm getting there.

Gotta get to the gym and shred but here are my latest workouts!


3.6 mile run

Off - Booo


1.6 mile run (got new shoes and had to test them out but it was too dark to run very far)
I have no idea where this week went! Let alone the fact that it's after 7pm on Friday and I still need to Shred and have a ton of work to do.

I look at my calendar and see that April has nothing on it, and am so excited for that month,lol.  Then I realize that's when I'll be doing last minute wedding stuff!

Ok, so got the word that my dress should be in next Thursday and that was a red alarm for me. I'm exhausted but will shred bc a client appt yesterday got me home at 8ish last night and left no time for a workout considering I still had to eat dinner.

Happy Friday ladies and hoping you all have a fabulous V-Day =)
Ok, so I shouldn't totally beat myself up but I am a litle frustrated. I started my day at 5am today and I've only stopped working to make a PB&J and it's 5:45 and I have no desire to do anything...

Yesterday I ran, and honestly that was more than I thought I could do, so I'm happy I did it but I didn't Shred =(  I'm going to dig deep for motivation to do more than shred tonight but at the very least I will do that!

2/10 Work Out

2/9 Work Out
3.6 mile run
Ok, so with the event I had going on last Thursday, and then working a bridal show on Super Bowl Sunday, last week was crazy for me and I'm so glad it's over.  I hate getting out of my workout routine and that's exactly what it did =(

So, yesterday I at least got back on track and did the shred.  My fiance even did it with me. I felt so dumb at first and thought he'd laugh but by the time we were done, he was sweating more than me!  The best part was when Jillian says if you've got it ladies, flaunt it, during one of the squats - I was dying laughing watching my fiance.

Today it's back to real business, running/working out & Shred.  Yesterday was day 4 of the Shred for me.

2/8 Workout
Shred Day 4

Hope you're all having a great week so far!
Ugh, I'm so bummed I didn't get to blog the last two days and dont' have much time tonight but at least wanted to check in and say hi!

Today was my day 3 =( With the event I had last night, I have been crazy swamped, so Wednesday I didn't get to workout. Yesterday I did do my 3.6 mile run and did great but ran out of time for the Shred before my event.

Today has been insane as I'm exhausted from my event, and had a ton of follow up today but I refused to go 3 days without it. So today...no run, but

2/4 Workout
3.6 mile run

2/5 Workout

Tomorrow I'm giving myself a killer workout to make up for 2 less than killer days.

Have a fabulous Friday!
I so wanted to post an update last night, but I was exhausted by the time my day was over!  Yesterday was another crazy busy day with work and even though I didn't finish my day until almost 6pm, I knew I didn't want to fall behind on here. So, I left the house at 6pm for my run and came home and went right into the Shred. I was proud of myself for doing both and definitely sore afterwareds.

2/2 Workout
3.65 mile run
Day 2 of Shred, using 4lb dumbells

Today I'm hoping to get in another run, Day 3 of the Shred, and maybe some upper body weights, but with my event tomorrow night, I have another really busy day - kind of a theme this month but I'm determined to get my workouts in and lose weight in spite of all of it. With my travel/work schedule it's easy to fall off track but I'm too close to the big day to slack off any more!
Well I wasn't sure if 20 minutes was really going to challenge me, since I have been running and doing some of the P90X routines. Tonight I got my answer, lol.

I had a crazy busy day with work - and even though I work from my home, it is really hard to break away sometimes and go to the gym. I'm hosting my first big social event this Thursday night, and have to work another event on Sunday, so I have a lot to get done in the few days I have this week. I was bummed I didn't get to go for my run today, but I am proud that even at 5pm, I left my house and drove 30 miles into town to run the errands I had and picked up the DVD.  I came home and at 8ish tonight did the workout and I'm so glad I did.  Some of it was hard and at least I can go to bed feeling like I didn't totally take today off.

If it wasn't for this blog I might have, so thanks ladies =)
Hi ladies,
I'm so excited about having a group to share in the next 30 days with.  I've been working out pretty regularly but occasionally have a lack in motivation...which is ridiculous seeing I have less than 4 months till our wedding, but hey it happens.

Like some of the others, I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I've never been "obese" but I've also never felt comfortable in a 2 piece and ultimately that's my goal.  I'm 5'5 and my heaviest weight was 170lbs about a year and a half ago.  My best weight was 131lbs 5 years ago when I ran the Chicago marathon.  Even then, I didn't have a flat stomach and didn't feel super great in a swimsuit, but looking at where I am today, I'd spend good money (that I don't have, lol) to get back to that weight.

I'm currently weighing in at 156lbs and hope to be down to 140lbs by our wedding day. I'd LOVE to be 136lbs or less, but I'm a realist.  And the reality is that as much as I like working out I also like food - chocolate especially! I swear that chocolate is the devil, lol.  I do eat fairly healthy, count my calories and am a regular at Subway - so when I do indulge in chocolate I don't beat myself up over it...I save that for the gym.

So, I'll be going less off of measurements and more off of changes on the scale and in how my clothes fit.

I'm also training to run the Chicago marathon again this October and hoping between my runs, doing this workout and several P90X routines that I can get to my goal weight of 131lbs by October.

Good luck to all of you and congrats on your upcoming weddings!


    I'm Sarah.  I'm 31 and live in Phoenix, AZ with my fiance Chris and our 3 (yes 3) dogs.  I'm in sales, and Chris is a government contractor.  Chris is gone 3-4 days/week because he stays on the Air Force base he works at due to the long shifts and the fact that it's 90 minutes from our home.  Because of this, it's hard for us to keep a routine and our workouts often suffer as a result.

    Our wedding date is 5/29 and I'm realizing I have a very short timeframe to tone up and lose the extra weight I have.  Like everyone else, I really want to look my best on our wedding day and for our honeymoon.   Additionally, living in Phoenix our swimsuit season is much longer than anywhere else and I'd love to feel confident all summer long.


    February 2010



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