Well I wasn't sure if 20 minutes was really going to challenge me, since I have been running and doing some of the P90X routines. Tonight I got my answer, lol.

I had a crazy busy day with work - and even though I work from my home, it is really hard to break away sometimes and go to the gym. I'm hosting my first big social event this Thursday night, and have to work another event on Sunday, so I have a lot to get done in the few days I have this week. I was bummed I didn't get to go for my run today, but I am proud that even at 5pm, I left my house and drove 30 miles into town to run the errands I had and picked up the DVD.  I came home and at 8ish tonight did the workout and I'm so glad I did.  Some of it was hard and at least I can go to bed feeling like I didn't totally take today off.

If it wasn't for this blog I might have, so thanks ladies =)
Lorie Beth
2/2/2010 03:32:59 am

Yah, if you doing P90X I would have thought this would have been a piece of cake. I've heard those workouts are really intense!! Good job getting the workout done even though you had so much stuff going on :-) Glad our little blog kept you motivated!


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    I'm Sarah.  I'm 31 and live in Phoenix, AZ with my fiance Chris and our 3 (yes 3) dogs.  I'm in sales, and Chris is a government contractor.  Chris is gone 3-4 days/week because he stays on the Air Force base he works at due to the long shifts and the fact that it's 90 minutes from our home.  Because of this, it's hard for us to keep a routine and our workouts often suffer as a result.

    Our wedding date is 5/29 and I'm realizing I have a very short timeframe to tone up and lose the extra weight I have.  Like everyone else, I really want to look my best on our wedding day and for our honeymoon.   Additionally, living in Phoenix our swimsuit season is much longer than anywhere else and I'd love to feel confident all summer long.


    February 2010



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