I have no idea where this week went! Let alone the fact that it's after 7pm on Friday and I still need to Shred and have a ton of work to do.

I look at my calendar and see that April has nothing on it, and am so excited for that month,lol.  Then I realize that's when I'll be doing last minute wedding stuff!

Ok, so got the word that my dress should be in next Thursday and that was a red alarm for me. I'm exhausted but will shred bc a client appt yesterday got me home at 8ish last night and left no time for a workout considering I still had to eat dinner.

Happy Friday ladies and hoping you all have a fabulous V-Day =)

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    I'm Sarah.  I'm 31 and live in Phoenix, AZ with my fiance Chris and our 3 (yes 3) dogs.  I'm in sales, and Chris is a government contractor.  Chris is gone 3-4 days/week because he stays on the Air Force base he works at due to the long shifts and the fact that it's 90 minutes from our home.  Because of this, it's hard for us to keep a routine and our workouts often suffer as a result.

    Our wedding date is 5/29 and I'm realizing I have a very short timeframe to tone up and lose the extra weight I have.  Like everyone else, I really want to look my best on our wedding day and for our honeymoon.   Additionally, living in Phoenix our swimsuit season is much longer than anywhere else and I'd love to feel confident all summer long.


    February 2010



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