I have been such a bad girl!! I had an insane week and I only shredded a couple of times. I do know that my dieting and working out is paying off because at my dress fitting yesterday my dress that was tight last time I put it on was too big!! I plan to get back on track this week with my Shredding and continue my progress and growth. I hope you all are doing well, and here's to getting back on the wagon!
So I was a lazy POS yesterday and even though I was snowed in all day I somehow could not manage to make myself Shred. Ugh.

I did get up today and Shred. Not my best effort by any means, but hey I did it! For some reason my motivation has been lacking the last few days. I really thought the fact that my dress fitting is SATURDAY would get me in high gear this week, but so far no :( I'm really disappointed with myself and I hope I can get back in the swing of things!!
Dun dun dun.... Truth time.

Weight: 170 lbs - up 1 lb booo :( I choose to believe this is because my muscles are getting bigger, but it was still discouraging to see.

Waste: 34.5" - down 1" this week, down 3.5" total.

Biceps: Right 12.5" - down .75" this week, down 1" total
           Left 13" - down .25" this week, down .5" total

Thighs: Right 24" - up .5", up 2" total (seriously?!)
           Left 23.5" - up .5", up .5" total

Hips: 41.5" - down .5", down .5" total

I was not as disciplined with my diet this weekend so I need to get seriously again this week and be disciplined. My first fitting is this Saturday so hopefully that will be tons of motivation for this week! My little brother is also getting married on Saturday so of course I want to fabulous for that as well :)
Once again Saturday was too busy for me to manage to fit my workout in. *slapping myself on the wrist* I think I'm just going to give up on Saturdays altogether and extend my 30 days.

I DID, however, get back in gear today. It took a lot of doing to get myself up from our relaxing Valentine's Day and actually work out, but I'm glad I did it. It hasn't gotten any easier yet. I love that she says I want you to be gargling your heart AND I want you to feel like you're going to die...Wow. It's definitely brutal and I barely have control over my limbs afterward! I feel it a lot more in my core on Level 2.

I may be rethinking the every 10 day upgrade strategy. I want to feel comfortable with level 2 before I throw down the gauntlet with Level 3. If I feel ready I'll move on after the 10 days, if not I'll just have to make it the 35 or 40 day Shred I guess :)
Still brutal!! I barely have control over my arms right now, but it will be a good thing I hope! I still had to take several breaks. Level 2 is definitely intense!! I'll be really excited when I can make it through without thinking I'm actually going to die. Busy day at work, so I've got to run. Keep on Shredding girls!
Ho. Lee. Shit. Jillian is INSANE!! "I want you to feel like you're going to die." MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Jill!

I'm happy to say I survived day 1 on level 2 at least. I did have to take 3 or 4 of the 5 second breathers. I did some beginner and some advanced exercises so that was a small victory. I had to take a break while washing my hair in the shower lol. That was definitely a big step up from level 1..I was really excited to move on to the next level, but I had noooo idea what I was in for.

Hopefully this will get easier as I go just as level 1 did. *Whew!* Well, pat on the back for surviving, I will live to Shred another day!
Day 10 was great. A wonderful farewell to level 1. Not much to say about it, honestly.
Today was invigorating!! Muuuuch better than yesterday, and I think my best Shred yet! I did all of the advanced moves (aside from pushups) and I really pushed myself in the cardio and abs as well. I felt amazing at the end. It was especially great after yesterday's terrible workout. I love the feeling of accomplishment at the end, like I really did something today woo hoo! 

I'm going to do tomorrow on level 1 for the last time and then I'm really excited to see what level 2 has to offer!!  
Well, I did it, and that's about the best thing I can say. Something just wasn't clicking today, I couldn't get there mentally. Now, after the workout, I feel AWFUL. I haven't eaten much the last couple of days; not purposely, just did a lot of running and getting things done on my weekend off and I didn't take the time to get enough nutrients so I have the shakes (not muscle shakes like after a really hard workout, full body shakes like my blood sugar is way too low) and I feel really nauseous :( I should have known better, I just didn't think about it. I'm glad I dragged myself out of bed and did it, but it definitely was not my best workout and now I need to get some plain oatmeal in my tummy and hopefully feel better...
I'll be checking and updating my stats every Sunday. Here's where I'm at:

Weight: 169 - Down 4 pounds
Waste: 35.5" - Down 2.5"
Biceps: 13.25"- Down .25"
R thigh: 23.5" - Up 1.5" (I don't mind having big thighs as long as they are muscle!)
L thigh: 23" - Same
Hips: 42" - I didn't originally do a hip measurement, but I will be from now on.

I am really excited and encouraged by these changes so far and I hope to keep improving!


    I'm 23 years old. I'm the office manager of a used car lot (lots of interesting stories!). I live in Hamilton, OH with my wonderful fiance Kyle and our puppy dog Dexter. We have been together for just over 2 1/2 years.

    Our wedding day is May 15, 2010.


    February 2010



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