I'll be checking and updating my stats every Sunday. Here's where I'm at:

Weight: 169 - Down 4 pounds
Waste: 35.5" - Down 2.5"
Biceps: 13.25"- Down .25"
R thigh: 23.5" - Up 1.5" (I don't mind having big thighs as long as they are muscle!)
L thigh: 23" - Same
Hips: 42" - I didn't originally do a hip measurement, but I will be from now on.

I am really excited and encouraged by these changes so far and I hope to keep improving!

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    I'm 23 years old. I'm the office manager of a used car lot (lots of interesting stories!). I live in Hamilton, OH with my wonderful fiance Kyle and our puppy dog Dexter. We have been together for just over 2 1/2 years.

    Our wedding day is May 15, 2010.


    February 2010



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