Ho. Lee. Shit. Jillian is INSANE!! "I want you to feel like you're going to die." MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Jill!

I'm happy to say I survived day 1 on level 2 at least. I did have to take 3 or 4 of the 5 second breathers. I did some beginner and some advanced exercises so that was a small victory. I had to take a break while washing my hair in the shower lol. That was definitely a big step up from level 1..I was really excited to move on to the next level, but I had noooo idea what I was in for.

Hopefully this will get easier as I go just as level 1 did. *Whew!* Well, pat on the back for surviving, I will live to Shred another day!
Jen (hrchick72)
2/11/2010 08:49:01 pm

You go Molly! You're my hero moving up to level 2 :)

Keep up the good work cuz I'm following in your footsteps!!

2/14/2010 09:18:52 am

Thanks Jen!! I'm trying to stay motivated. I have my first fitting this Saturday so that's what I'm trying to use to push myself. Keep it up!!


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    I'm 23 years old. I'm the office manager of a used car lot (lots of interesting stories!). I live in Hamilton, OH with my wonderful fiance Kyle and our puppy dog Dexter. We have been together for just over 2 1/2 years.

    Our wedding day is May 15, 2010.


    February 2010



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