I feel like I didn't have an overly productive week with the workouts, and my eating was ok, but not the best. I was afraid that my Stats would be really bad, but in fact, they were pretty good. So with that, plus, all that is going on right now, I should be even more pumped to work out, but I'm dreading it again this week.

I did want to update my stats and progress from week 2, though:

Stats as of February 19, 2010
  • 175 pounds - no change
  • Bust = 38 - loss of 1/2 an inch
  • Waist = 30.5" - loss of an inch and 1/2!! :)
  • Hips = 42.5" - loss of an inch!! :)
  • Bicep/Arm circumference = 13" - no change
  • Thigh/Leg circumference = 24.5" - loss of a 1/2 inch :)

And ladies...what's with the lack of posts?!?! Don't give up on it! If I'm sticking with you, you can too!! We only have about 10-14 weeks left until our big days. COME ON LADIES!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!




Same video, same hateful trainer, same dread...different day.

Why do I despise working out so much? Anyway - I did it this morning, got through it, and will do it again in the morning.
I took off from Shredding Friday, Saturday, and Sunday like I planned. Of course, I didn't miss it! And in fact, it was such a bad thing for me, because I couldn't force myself to do it today. :( I'll pick up tomorrow, and I'll Shred Friday to make up for not doing it today.

I did want to update my stats and progress from week 1:

Stats as of February 12, 2010
  • 175 pounds - up a pound :( Maybe gaining muscle, maybe water retention
  • Bust = 38.5" - no change
  • Waist = 32" - loss of 1/2 an inch :)
  • Hips = 43.5" - loss of 1/2 an inch :)
  • Bicep/Arm circumference = 13" - loss of an inch :)
  • Thigh/Leg circumference = 25" - loss of an inch :)

Having done the Shred so early yesterday, I have to admit, it was the greatest feeling yesterday afternoon to NOT have to come home and do it in the evening. It felt so great, in fact, that I forced myself to get out of bed early again today to do the same thing. It's getting a little easier, but it's still sucky.

And I have to admit that I'm getting very tired of actually doing the DVD. I contemplated giving up, especially having watched what I ate PLUS exercised all week, and got on the scale this morning to find I was up 2 pounds. I don't know why I weighed myself - it's not my normal weigh day. And I think it's probably because of the 2 glasses of wine I had last night - I always retain water with alcohol. But none-the-less, it was discouraging.

So to give myself a new hope, I came up with a plan to make it seem less daunting. I decided I would only actually Shred Monday-Thursday each week. And since Day 1, there were 12 weeks until the wedding, so I decided I'd do Level 1 for 4 weeks, Level 2 for 4 weeks, and Level 3 for 4 weeks. We'll see how well that goes...
Wow - I must really be into this! It's only 6:00 AM and I'm already up and done with my Shred for the day...Am I sick again? :)

Actually, there is some crazy wind storm that is going to take place all day here in NC, and it started already. It woke me up at 4:00 AM - I tried to sleep a little more, but eventually it made me nervous enough to go outside and take down things that could break or cause damage with the wind. Since I was up, I decided I'd stay up and go ahead and get the Shred out of the way.

Plus, since it hasn't even been 12 hours since my exercise on Day 2, I'm actually a little less sore. I made it through ok, but it was hard this early in the morning. I was usually a few seconds behind as I would stop to walk in place a minute to let my legs rest. But in the end, I feel accomplished that it's over and hopefully it'll help me have a great day. Who knows...if I feel really good today, I might set my alarm a little earlier each day to go ahead and get it out of the way. We'll see....
Although I'm a week behind, I'm glad to be on my own day 2. My fiance' thought it was funny to blame my puking episode last week on Jillian. :) I Shredded Monday night last week, and Tuesday morning, woke up puking - and puked for 2 days. So when I did Shred last night, Mark made sure to ask if Jillian had made me sick yet again this week. HA!

Sick, no - Sore, YES! I was SO sore today! All day at rotation, I could feel every muscle in my body...and they hurt.

But I pushed through the DVD tonight, and it was a little better than last night. I'm doing most of the advanced moves, except for the push-ups. But I am still semi-cheating because I have yet to have bought real weights. I'm still using bottled water. I need to go buy some weights so I can really get those sexy arms I'm after...
The stomach bug went away end of last week, and the respiratory bug finally went away this weekend. I feel back to myself today. And I honestly thought of not doing the Shred today anyway - but I remembered that I only have 9 weeks until my Bachelorette weekend with my girls, and 12 weeks until the big day. I sucked it up, and did it. And it sucked!

Quite honestly, I did much better last week. I felt like I couldn't keep up today. I hope that it will get better, because after today, I never wanted to see Jillian's face again.

But in the end, I got through the 20 minutes, and I felt great after I did it. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully I can do it without feeling like such a failure.

Hi ladies! There is good news, and there is bad news.

The good news is that I actually ate grits today and kept them down! My crazy dizziness and nausea is going away. The congestion is getting better, but at least I can handle that. I finally got out of bed today, and I think I'm on the mend. You know, I still had a few pounds to lose...but I didn't wish a stomach virus on myself to help me do it.

The bad news is that I will be putting off doing the Shred for several days until I am healthy again. I'm sad that you ladies are forging ahead, but I just can't do it. I'll pick back up on Monday - and I might even call that Day 1 again for myself.

At least having this group will make me do it come Monday.

Good luck to the rest of you!
Well, unfortunately, the excuses for today have to be honored.

I've been seen in Urgent Care today, and have vomited 3 different times. I have a virus. I've spent all afternoon in my bed. Not a lot of work done on that presentation, as you can imagine. :(

I can definitely feel some "Shredding" today after yesterday's workout, so it really feels like it's working well. They say when you're sore, it's best to just keep going, so I'm sad I'll miss working with Jillian today. But I'm pretty sure my Gatorade and saltines would be all over Jillian's face if I actually did the DVD today.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies!
So I had the day off today because snow in NC usually means everything shuts down. Plenty of time to do Day 1 of The 30 Day Shred, right?


Excuse #1 - My P4 presentation: You see, I welcomed the day off because I have a HUGE presentation to give on Friday which is a requirement for graduation with my Doctorate come May. I spent most of the day working on it with LOTS of work still to do. I really shouldn't take any time away from working on it.

Excuse #2 - I'm sick: That's right, I woke up today with a horrible sore throat, a stuffy nose, and a serious headache. You can't work out when you're sick.

Excuse #3 - No inhaler: I have exercise induced asthma, and conveniently, my inhaler is at our new house in Elizabeth City - 3 hours away.

But - Be proud ladies! This little pact did it's job. If I don't just suck it up and do it, I'll be behind, and all of the other ladies are forging ahead.

So...I did it. My legs are weak, my headache is worse, and I can't hardly breathe - but I did. I took the biggest step, and I started the program.

On to work on that presentation...


    I'm a Tarheel born and bred! I'm 28 years old, born in Charlotte, NC. I'm a graduate from UNC and am now attending Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. I will graduate as a Doctor of Pharmacy 13 days after I become a wife. I have been with my fiance, Mark, for 5 years, and he loves me the way I am, but I really want to be tone for the wedding. Mark has a surprise Caribbean destination honeymoon planned for us, and I would love to look sexy in a 2-piece.


    February 2010



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