The stomach bug went away end of last week, and the respiratory bug finally went away this weekend. I feel back to myself today. And I honestly thought of not doing the Shred today anyway - but I remembered that I only have 9 weeks until my Bachelorette weekend with my girls, and 12 weeks until the big day. I sucked it up, and did it. And it sucked!

Quite honestly, I did much better last week. I felt like I couldn't keep up today. I hope that it will get better, because after today, I never wanted to see Jillian's face again.

But in the end, I got through the 20 minutes, and I felt great after I did it. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully I can do it without feeling like such a failure.

Lorie Beth
2/8/2010 12:04:57 pm

YAY! your back! I get soooo sick of Jillian's face ..and sometimes it makes me ill how she just keeps going and going and acts like your almost done...almost done to like 2 more! I hope it goes better tomarrow! I still hate doing it with an ultimate passion HA HA!


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    I'm a Tarheel born and bred! I'm 28 years old, born in Charlotte, NC. I'm a graduate from UNC and am now attending Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. I will graduate as a Doctor of Pharmacy 13 days after I become a wife. I have been with my fiance, Mark, for 5 years, and he loves me the way I am, but I really want to be tone for the wedding. Mark has a surprise Caribbean destination honeymoon planned for us, and I would love to look sexy in a 2-piece.


    February 2010



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