Although I'm a week behind, I'm glad to be on my own day 2. My fiance' thought it was funny to blame my puking episode last week on Jillian. :) I Shredded Monday night last week, and Tuesday morning, woke up puking - and puked for 2 days. So when I did Shred last night, Mark made sure to ask if Jillian had made me sick yet again this week. HA!

Sick, no - Sore, YES! I was SO sore today! All day at rotation, I could feel every muscle in my body...and they hurt.

But I pushed through the DVD tonight, and it was a little better than last night. I'm doing most of the advanced moves, except for the push-ups. But I am still semi-cheating because I have yet to have bought real weights. I'm still using bottled water. I need to go buy some weights so I can really get those sexy arms I'm after...

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    I'm a Tarheel born and bred! I'm 28 years old, born in Charlotte, NC. I'm a graduate from UNC and am now attending Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. I will graduate as a Doctor of Pharmacy 13 days after I become a wife. I have been with my fiance, Mark, for 5 years, and he loves me the way I am, but I really want to be tone for the wedding. Mark has a surprise Caribbean destination honeymoon planned for us, and I would love to look sexy in a 2-piece.


    February 2010



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