I'm so excited about starting this workout. I haven't gotten the video yet, I wanted to get it today but it snowed and iced so I couldn't get out and get to walmart. I'm goin to be so upset if walmart doesn't have this DVD in stock because I want to start it monday. It's the perfect time to start...It's a Monday and it's also the beginning of the month. I NEVER stick with anything so I'm going to try really hard to make it 30 days this time. If I can make it I'll be so proud of my self. Hopefully writing in this blog and doing it along with a few other people well help with keep me motivated and going towards my goal because nothing else has worked Ha Ha.

My Goals:
1. Get down to 128lbs
2. Lose the fat in my stomach area
3. Tone my stomach, butt, and thighs
4. Get rid of my love handles

We're flying down to Puerto Rico and going on a cruise and all I can think about is being in my bikini. I've gained weight since last summer and it's just got to go. I think your wedding and honeymoon is when you want to look about the best you ever have! I just want to be comfortable and how I am right now...I'm very self conscious of wearing tight things and of course my bathing suit..and I want that feeling to go ADIOS!

Starting Stats:
Weight: 135.7lb (Measured at around 4pm..cause I wasn't around my scale this morning)...Must say I was shocked by this. I lost 2 pounds last week :-) . I was running in the 140's. It was a very pleasant suprise!
Bust: 35.5
Waist: 30
Butt: 39
Thigh: 22

Good Luck to Everybody...I know we can do this!!

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    Lorie Beth

    I'm 22 years old and I'm from North Carolina. I'm a nursing major and I graduate with my BSN in May 2010. My graduation is two weeks before my wedding so I'm going to be a stressed mess. My fiance (Jason) works with the sheriff's department. We "officially" started dating Oct. 6th 2006. But have known each other for years and actually had dated about 5 years before that (in 9th grade :-P). He gives me no motivation to lose weight or tone up because he says he loves me like I am and I don't need to lose weight. Which makes me feel very good but like I said...it's is a very un-motivating thing for me because he doesn't care either way lol.

    My goals are to tone up my trouble areas, get rid of some fat, and feel better about my body. If I feel good about myself that's all that matters to me! 

    Wedding Date: May 22nd 2010


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