Just finished my workout for today. And I was rather impressed that my stamina and endurance has somewhat improved. For the warm up I actually had some dancing into the moves cause I had my hiphop/rap going and I LOVE to dance. I did 20 girl pushups with no break. I really tried today. And I actually danced and did a little more after the workout was over so that's a change from Day 1 when I was about to fall over and die after the workout. The music definitely helped me out. Also this may be weird...but I actually looked at some of the moves in the mirror while I was doing them and that kinda added motivation cause I can see my trouble spots and so I push harder and then its rewarding to see like your muscles in your arms flex..and your like..mmm I'm getting toned. HA HA ..might be crazy...but it did help me today :-)

My stomach has improved I think. It's been looking and feeling tighter and smaller. I wish there was more ab work in the video..that's my favorite part. If I could just get some self control over my food intake I think I'd be seeing some really good results...I had lost 4 pounds since last Monday..but I came home this weekend and have been eating out and eating my mom's food and so I think I've gained it all back. Redoing my stats on Day 11 so we'll see if there's any changes...*crosses fingers*

Btw I had another dress fitting yesterday to make sure my hem was ok...ahhh I'm so in love with my dress and it fit so perfect..except it was a tiny bit tight zipping up which shocked me because I've been working out!! Guess I got to work harder!

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    Lorie Beth

    I'm 22 years old and I'm from North Carolina. I'm a nursing major and I graduate with my BSN in May 2010. My graduation is two weeks before my wedding so I'm going to be a stressed mess. My fiance (Jason) works with the sheriff's department. We "officially" started dating Oct. 6th 2006. But have known each other for years and actually had dated about 5 years before that (in 9th grade :-P). He gives me no motivation to lose weight or tone up because he says he loves me like I am and I don't need to lose weight. Which makes me feel very good but like I said...it's is a very un-motivating thing for me because he doesn't care either way lol.

    My goals are to tone up my trouble areas, get rid of some fat, and feel better about my body. If I feel good about myself that's all that matters to me! 

    Wedding Date: May 22nd 2010


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