I just finished my workout for today. I did it with my roomate and turned on some ipod music this time. Music motivates me a little more. LoL especially if it's like some rap or hip hop music talking about a hot body or something LOL. Anyways about the workout...it is still not really improving for me. I was in pain today cause of all the soreness sooo the work out was very painful plus I've been sick today and in bed but I decided to still get up and do this workout. I'm trying to stay determined to finish this out. Day 30 seems so far away but I have to keep telling myself it's only 20 minutes a day...anybody can do anything for 20 minutes! Without any rest days...I'm wondering is the soreness ever going to subside or will it stick around. I really don't think it's good on your muscles not to have a rest day...but anyways I'm going to just press on :-) Off to study for a midterm!

btw...did yal know we got over 200 hits on our site yesterday?? I thought that was pretty crazy!
2/4/2010 03:47:00 am

200 hits?! We're famous!! lol I'm glad you're pushing through it!! My muscles finally feel better today (day 4). Keep going girl you can do it!

2/4/2010 04:20:52 am

The soreness will go away. I've found that mine starts dulling faster. I think by the end of week 1 the soreness will only be until the morning. Then we know it is time for level 2!

The soreness in your muscles is their way of telling you they are getting stronger. It's a good thing to have that feeling!

I am glad you pushed yourself to do the workout. You'll be happy you did.


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    Lorie Beth

    I'm 22 years old and I'm from North Carolina. I'm a nursing major and I graduate with my BSN in May 2010. My graduation is two weeks before my wedding so I'm going to be a stressed mess. My fiance (Jason) works with the sheriff's department. We "officially" started dating Oct. 6th 2006. But have known each other for years and actually had dated about 5 years before that (in 9th grade :-P). He gives me no motivation to lose weight or tone up because he says he loves me like I am and I don't need to lose weight. Which makes me feel very good but like I said...it's is a very un-motivating thing for me because he doesn't care either way lol.

    My goals are to tone up my trouble areas, get rid of some fat, and feel better about my body. If I feel good about myself that's all that matters to me! 

    Wedding Date: May 22nd 2010


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