GIRLS...Oh my goodness..I don't know what tape yal were exercising to but that about killed me! I must be sooo out of shape. I had gone to a few exercise classes a couple weeks ago and they were 50 minutes long...but I just couldn't hang with this. Push ups...oh my. I did most at the lower level for those but even that was ruff. I'm wondering if my weights are too heavy. What are yal using? I'm using a 5 lb in each was weights I had for some other exercises I used to do. Wow..I just can't get over how killer that was to me. I felt like I was going to have to turned off that dvd and quit. If it won't for this little blog thing...there's NO WAY I would have done it tonight. I did it after 11:30PM after I got home and I didn't want to have to post I didn't do anything today. This definitely was motivation...didn't want to be behind and I kept thinking well if everyone else can do it I CAN DO!

After all this work tonight...hopefully it will motivate me to eat better. I had lost 2 pounds this past week but today I went crazy and ate Bojangles and KFC. I really want to eat healthier but it's so hard..I feel like there's a lack of choices when you need something on the run.

Wow..I'm just floored at how hard that 20 minute routine was. I think I've said WOW too many times but that's the best word to describe my reaction to my first workout. I just don't know if I'm going to be able to push through this 30 days..I feel like such a downer after the first day. I hate exercising..that's part of my problem. Yal are definitely going to be the only thing that pulls me through this!! :
2/1/2010 11:32:53 pm

Lorie Beth good for you getting it done after you got home so late! I really think this blog and the accountability I feel to report each day is going to be what gets me through. From your post it sounded like you thought we didn't think it was hard, well I can only speak for myself and I was dying with you girl! It was definitely an intense workout. I'm really excited that you came up with this and I want to thank you for getting me motivated. I know we can all make it the next 30 days!!

2/2/2010 02:06:32 am

I'm impressed that you did it so late. I really am. I wouldn't have done it that late!

For the weights, I am using 3 lbs because that is all I have and I don't want to spend more money. Even 3 lbs is a killer, but I will probably move on to 5 lbs halfway through.

2/2/2010 07:26:18 am

I definitely would have wanted to just postpone it at 11:30 - that's motivation right there!

And I'm right there with you and Molly - dying. Unfortunately, I actually didn't realize I didn't have a set of weights - I only had one 8 lb weight, and I wasn't about to use that. I improvised with some bottles of water until I can buy some.

But good job! :)


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    Lorie Beth

    I'm 22 years old and I'm from North Carolina. I'm a nursing major and I graduate with my BSN in May 2010. My graduation is two weeks before my wedding so I'm going to be a stressed mess. My fiance (Jason) works with the sheriff's department. We "officially" started dating Oct. 6th 2006. But have known each other for years and actually had dated about 5 years before that (in 9th grade :-P). He gives me no motivation to lose weight or tone up because he says he loves me like I am and I don't need to lose weight. Which makes me feel very good but like I's is a very un-motivating thing for me because he doesn't care either way lol.

    My goals are to tone up my trouble areas, get rid of some fat, and feel better about my body. If I feel good about myself that's all that matters to me! 

    Wedding Date: May 22nd 2010


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