I have successfully completed day 2. My knee didn't hurt nearly as bad, but I could feel it in my muscles still from yesterday. My legs felt like Jell-O so I even had to take the elevator to my classes on the 2nd floor!

Instead of buying a brace, I bought some IcyHot. I can already feel it working after my workout.

Day 2 was easier than day 1, but I still had to do it the beginner style. My biggest struggle was the push ups.  Of course, I've always sucked at push ups.

I'm adding a goal! I want to be able to do 15 REAL push ups by the end of the 30DS.
Lorie Beth
2/2/2010 03:35:21 am

That's a good goal to add! My goal is to be able to do all the pushs they do...which is a lot. I think I'm going to count next time I do it. Is it 15? Last night I started on the regular pushs up but I had to move down to the easier level. Those push up will make those arms sexy and toned for our dresses!!

2/2/2010 04:03:22 am

Oh dear god I HATE the push ups!! I do them, but I hate them. I'm doing "girl" push ups for now and when I get a little more endurance and strength I'm going for the "real" ones. Lorie Beth is right, we will have sexy arms for our fabulous dresses woo hoo!

I had the noodle legs too. I was having a little bit of difficulty going up and down the stairs while I was getting ready lol. And then I wore heels today because I am a glutton for punishment I guess.

Great job sticking with it! Let's keep it going!

2/2/2010 07:29:35 am

I'm doing "girl" push ups too until I can work into the regular ones - and even those have my chest/upper arms crazy sore today. I like your goal of 15 regular ones...I might strive for that too (and for the sexy arms for wedding dresses!)


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    I'm a 23 year old accounting major.

    I want to be in shape for my May 22nd wedding and my honeymoon in June.

    drop 30 pounds
    Lose 6" off the waist
    Lose 2-3" off the thighs

    Starting Stats:
    12" biceps
    25 1/4" thighs
    39 3/4" waist
    43 3/4" hips

    Current Stats:
    12 1/4" biceps
    25 1/2" thighs
    37 1/2" waist
    43 3/4" hips


    February 2010
    January 2010


    Level 1
    Level 2

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