I am so very excited to get started on this 30 Day Shred with my fellow Knotties.

I'm just under 4 months away from my wedding and my fittings start in only 28 days.  I am really wanting to get a jump start on my weight loss.  My last chance to lose weight is April 1st.  After April 1st I have to maintain my weight so I fit into my dress on the big day.  I will then have just over 3 weeks after the wedding to lose a little more before the honeymoon June 10th.

I've done many weight loss programs including Weight Watchers and switching to a vegetarian diet. It is safe to say I love red meat way too much to go vegetarian. It didn't even last a week.  Weight Watchers did last for quite a while.  Before Weight Watchers I was at my heaviest of 195 pounds. At 5'5" that is very heavy.  I was able to lose 30 pounds and managed to keep 20 of it off.  I now lack the motivation (and funds) to count points.  I would rather just eat healthy instead.

I have also tried many exercise regimines like Body for Life and Couch-to-5k.  My current workout regimine is 20 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of strength exercise 4 days a week. Of course, I'd have to go all 4 days to make it work!!!

I am focusing on small weight goals, one at a time.  I do have an ultimate goal of 145, but I find it easier to reach your goals when you focus on losing 5-10 pounds at a time than the BIG number for a full loss, which for me is 30 pounds.

I'm starting this journey at 175.4 pounds.  My biceps are 12", my thighs are 25 1/4" and my waist is 39 3/4". I will be weighing myself every Saturday and do my measurements roughly every 3 days. I do hope to lose about 6" off my waist and 2-3" off my thighs.

I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how much the 30DS kicks my ass!


    I'm a 23 year old accounting major.

    I want to be in shape for my May 22nd wedding and my honeymoon in June.

    drop 30 pounds
    Lose 6" off the waist
    Lose 2-3" off the thighs

    Starting Stats:
    12" biceps
    25 1/4" thighs
    39 3/4" waist
    43 3/4" hips

    Current Stats:
    12 1/4" biceps
    25 1/2" thighs
    37 1/2" waist
    43 3/4" hips


    February 2010
    January 2010


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